Farès Chmait

Farès Chmait

Farès Chmait


With nearly 30 years of experience as a speaker and trainer, Farès Chmait has internationally recognized professionalism, in the business world.

He has worked in this capacity in around twenty countries, to support hundreds of businesses until they reach their goals. In addition to having an in-depth knowledge of the business world and ethnic relations, Farès is a training specialist.

Experienced and versatile

Visiting Professor at Concordia University’s John Molson Development Center and York University, Farès brings his experience to business leaders and managers’ service. A seasoned professional, he is appreciated for his friendly and dedicated approach. His ​​expertise covers negotiation, time management, leadership, emotional intelligence, cultural differences and communication, among others.

Farès Chmait is also the author of several books, including Beyond Sales (Impact Pro, 1995), considered one of the best books on new sales communication techniques. Is he also the co-author of Guilty to Succeed? (A Different World, 2004) and The Power of Decision (Impact Pro, 2012).

“Whatever belief – positive or negative, stimulating or limiting – if you believe it firmly, it will become your reality. By acting like it’s true, without having the slightest doubt, you bring it to life. It is your faith in its existence that makes real what started as a belief.” – Farès Chmait


Trainings offered by Farès Chmait


The Secrets of Power Negotiation

Leadership of Influence